Thursday, April 29, 2010



[G] Nylon produces “YouTube edition” of magazine

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 12:35 AM PDT

YouTube Blog: Nylon produces "YouTube edition" of magazine

Nylon Magazine's "Young Hollywood" edition, which hit newsstands on Tuesday, marks the first time a printed magazine has so tightly woven itself with YouTube for a special issue. The publication is using its YouTube channel as an extension of the content in the magazine, taking you behind the scenes of photo shoots and offering exclusive videos in which the young stars speak directly to the YouTube community.

Kick-Ass's Chloe Moretz on her favorite video...

Twilight's Ashley Greene reveals what she's watching...

Naturally, Nylon didn't just stop at Hollywood. They also gave some major props to some of the top beauty gurus on YouTube: MichellePhan, DulceCandy87, and KandeeJohnson are just some of the beauty experts you'll find in the pages of the magazine and in Nylon's videos:

Nylon will be uploading more videos while the magazine is on shelves. So go pick up the May issue and subscribe to NylonMagazineTV for the latest interviews.

Sadia Harper, HowTo & Style Manager, recently watched "Young Hollywood 2010 - Emma Stone."


[G] Next Week: Two Incredible Conferences In One

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 04:03 PM PDT

Google Analytics Blog: Next Week: Two Incredible Conferences In One

Hey marketers and data heads: heads up! Next week is a good week to tell your boss you're taking "enrichment time off." We totally support using this excuse to take afternoons off and go to baseball games, or using it to let your boss know you won't be at work on a Friday, when you're actually planning to hit the slopes early for a long ski weekend. "Enrichment time". But regarding next week, we're actually talking about legitimate, professional, guilt free, educational enrichment time at two web analytics conferences happening at the same place in San Jose -- next week!

You've heard of eMetrics, a premiere event for marketing and website analytics. We've launched a bunch of stuff at this conference over the years because the atmosphere fosters innovation. Well attended and sponsored by the Web Analytics Association, it's also a chance for the web analytics industry to get together and share best practices and help each other.

In conjunction this year, there will be an additional conference in the same space, targeted specifically at conversions, called Conversion Conference. This conference is aimed specifically at helping you make minor or major adjustments to your website or campaigns specifically to increase your online conversions. It will share social events with eMetrics, and registering for both will help you take full advantage of the week. And when you register at the Conversion Conferece site you can get a late-bird discount of $250 off. Enter the code CCW646.

Here are some of the must-see sessions:

Monday, May 3:
Tuesday, May 4:
  • 11am - 12pm: Introduction to Google Website Optimizer as part of Conversion Conference
  • 1:50pm - 2pm: "What's New with Google Analytics" with our very own Brett Crosby
  • 2pm - 3pm: see Brett again at the Conversion Conference in a panel with Eric Peterson called "Web Analytics & Uncovering Problems"
  • 3pm - 3:30pm: Book signing and giveaway of a new book on Google Analytics written by Caleb Whitmore, Justin Cutroni and Sebastian Tonkin, who used to work on the Google Analytics team. This will take place in breakout room Cupertino.
Wednesday, May 5:
  • 9am: keynote by Avinash Kaushik: "Leveraging Bleeding Edge Analytics Goodies"
  • 12:15pm: Brown bag deep dive into what's new with Google Analytics with product manager Jayanth Mysore
We hope to see you in San Jose next week, data heads, and you will return to work, savvier at all things web analytics, on the cutting edge of online tracking, and linked in with more professionals in your industry. Truly enriched.

Posted by Jeff Gillis, Google Analytics Team

[G] The New Image Search for Android and iPhone

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 04:03 PM PDT

Official Google Mobile Blog: The New Image Search for Android and iPhone

When you do an image search, we find that it is typical that you will look through many pages of search results. So in the redesign of Google Image Search for mobile, available today for iPhone 3.0+ and Android 2.1 devices, we focused on making it easy to quickly see as many image thumbnails as possible:
  • The thumbnails are square to maximize the number of images we can get on the screen at one time so you can scan them quickly
  • You can swipe to see the next or previous page of results, or tap the large, stationary 'Next' and 'Previous' page buttons
  • We optimized for speed so that the images appear quickly when you browse
When it comes to viewing the images, we now make them as large as possible by introducing a special image viewing page:
  • The black background emphasizes the image and the buttons fade after a few seconds so you can just see images with little distraction
  • Easily browse through the images by swiping from picture to picture

To try this new version of Image Search, just go to on your phone and tap on "Images." The new experience is available in 38 languages worldwide. Whether you like to look through pictures of prom dresses, impressionist paintings or 猫 ジャンプ we hope you love this update to Image Search for mobile.

Posted by Leo Ting, Software Engineer, and Nick Fey, User Experience Designer

[G] Website Optimizer at eMetrics San Jose and Conversion Conference West next week

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 04:03 PM PDT

Official Google Website Optimizer Blog: Website Optimizer at eMetrics San Jose and Conversion Conference West next week

Two great industry conferences are happening next week in San Jose: eMetrics and the Conversion Conference. Veterans of the industry will be familiar with eMetrics, but you may not know about the Conversion Conference.

The Conversion Conference is a brand new event being chaired by Tim Ash. Tim is the president of Site Tuners (a Website Optimizer Certified Partner), and if you've been to any online marketing conference in the last few years, you've probably heard him speak about the importance of conversion. He's helped assemble some of the best minds in conversion (like Bryan Eisenberg and Jakob Nielsen) for a really amazing event.

If you haven't registered yet, Conversion Conference is offering a $250 late-bird discount. Just enter CCW646 when registering at the Conversion Conference site.

Here's some of the happenings at the two conferences:

Tuesday, May 4th
  • 11am - Introduction to Website Optimizer session (I'm giving this session)
  • 1:50pm - What's New with Google Analytics with Brett Crosby
  • 2pm - Web Analytics & Uncovering Problems with Eric Peterson & Brett Crosby
We'll be hosting a book signing of the brand new book Performance Marketing with Google Analytics. All three authors, two Google Analytics Certified Partners, Justin Cutroni and Caleb Whitmore and a former member of the Google Analytics team, Sebastian Tonkin, will be on hand giving away and signing the new book on May 4th, starting at 3pm in the Cupertino room.

Wednesday, May 5th
  • 9am - Keynote: Leveraging Bleeding Edge Analytics Goodies with Avinash Kaushik
  • 12:15pm - Brown Bag Deep Dive with Google Analytics product manager, Jayanth Mysore
Also, don't miss your chance to come face to face with the HiPPO at the Google booth. Hope to see you next week in San Jose.

Posted by Trevor Claiborne, Website Optimizer team

[G] Keeping Canada's map current

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 01:06 PM PDT

Google LatLong: Keeping Canada's map current

The map of Canada is constantly changing - new roads are being built, highways are being renamed, and bike trails are opening. To keep up with all these changes, we've started using new map data in Canada. This new base map is built from a wide range of sources, just as we recently announced for the US in October. In Canada, we've made use of data from organizations such as the National Hydrography Network and Canadian Council on Geomatics. Once again things like satellite imagery and Street View were also helpful to make a rich, thorough base map.

You may notice some changes like seeing a full map of your former campus, but overall the look and feel of Google Maps will be pretty similar to what you're used to. One of the biggest changes is that now you can give us direct feedback about our map of Canada - let's say a new park has just opened in your neighborhood. You'll notice a link that says "Report a Problem" in the lower right corner of Google Maps when you're looking at Canada, which will let you send your updates and feedback directly to us. We'll review it as soon as possible and keep you posted on the status of your report. We want our map to be as up-to-date as possible and reflect what's important to you, and we think these changes will help us with that goal.

En Français

La carte du Canada est en constante évolution : de nouvelles routes sont construites, des autoroutes sont rebaptisées et de nouvelles pistes cyclables sont aménagées. Afin de tenir compte de ces changements, nous avons commencé à utiliser de nouvelles données cartographiques pour le Canada. Cette nouvelle carte a été assemblée à partir d'un large éventail de sources, comme celles utilisées dans le cas des États-Unis (annonce effectuée en octobre). Au Canada, nous avons recueilli des données auprès d'organisations comme le Réseau hydro national et le Conseil canadien de géomatique. Des concepts comme l'imagerie par satellite et Street View nous ont également été utiles pour concevoir une carte de base riche et complète.

Vous remarquerez certains changements, comme la possibilité de consulter une carte précise de votre alma mater, mais l'aspect visuel et la navigation de Google Maps demeureront assez semblables à ce à quoi vous êtes habitué. L'un des plus importants changements est la possibilité de nous faire parvenir directement votre rétroaction au sujet de notre carte du Canada. Par exemple, si un nouveau parc a été aménagé dans votre quartier, vous pouvez alors cliquer sur le lien «Signaler un problème», au coin inférieur droit de la carte, afin de nous transmettre directement vos mises à jour et vos commentaires. Nous examinerons votre rétroaction dans les plus brefs délais et nous vous tiendrons au courant du progrès de votre demande. Nous désirons mettre au point une carte la plus actuelle possible qui répond à vos besoins, et nous croyons que ces changements nous aideront à atteindre cet objectif.

Posted by Waleed Kadous, Software Engineer

[G] Update to Google Maps in Canada

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 01:06 PM PDT

Official Google Enterprise Blog: Update to Google Maps in Canada

The data that powers API features like the map tiles, geocoding, and driving directions has been updated in Canada! The new base map in Canada will have expanded features such as more detailed water bodies, university campuses, zipcode coverage, and a shorter feedback cycle for Maps updates – all leading to better, more accurate maps for employees and customers.

Along with this update we've launched the popular "Report a Problem" feature that's used in the United States to our Canadian users, too. It's recommended that you re-geocode all of your data to take advantage of the update.

Learn more about the Google Maps API Premier at

Posted by Dan Chu, Product Manager, Google Enterprise team

[G] Alis volat propriis: Oregon’s bringing Google Apps to classrooms statewide

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 09:59 AM PDT

Official Google Blog: Alis volat propriis: Oregon's bringing Google Apps to classrooms statewide

Growing up in the late seventies in Hell's Kitchen in Manhattan, technology wasn't really a part of my educational life. My teachers graded printouts and the idea of collaborating with my classmates on a project anytime, anywhere just wasn't possible. Not to mention, we didn't have a computer at home and working on the Internet was still a pipe dream for a middle schooler.

Things have changed since I was in middle school of course, and there are people working hard to bring technology into classrooms to help students learn and teachers teach. Today Oregon is taking a huge step in that direction — they're the first state to open up Google Apps for Education to public schools throughout the state.

Starting today, the Oregon Department of Education will offer Google Apps to all the school districts in the state — helping teachers, staff and students use Gmail, Docs, Sites, Video, Groups and more within their elementary, middle and high schools. School funding has been hit hard over the past couple of years, and Oregon is no exception. This move is going to save the Department of Education $1.5 million per year — big bucks for a hurting budget.

With Google Apps, students in Oregon can build websites or email teachers about a project. Their documents and email will live online in the cloud — so they'll be able to work from a classroom or a computer lab, at home or at the city (or county) library. And instead of just grading a paper at the end of the process, Oregonian teachers can help students with their docs in real time, coaching them along the way. It's critical that students learn how to use the kind of productivity technology they'll need throughout their lives, and Oregon is helping students across the state do just that.

It blows my mind to think about how far technology in the classroom has come since I was in school, and how far we still have to go to make sure kids in classrooms everywhere have access to these tech resources. Cloud computing tools like Google Apps are one way teachers, schools — and now a whole state — are addressing the issue. Oh, and alis volat propriis? That's the Oregon motto. It means "she flies by her own wings" — makes perfect sense for a state heading to the cloud.

Posted by Jaime Casap, Google Apps Education Manager

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